Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme – Large Heat pumps for heating

The closing down of a water catchment bore by HOFOR requires preventive drillings, as the groundwater level in a residential area would otherwise be too high.

HOFOR does not need this water. At a workshop, Høje Taastrup Municipality and Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme (HTF) mapped out the possible synergies in water and heating projects. Here, it was assessed that the water in the preventive drillings could be used as an energy source in big heat pumps.

 In relation to this, an overall profitability analysis was carried out. However, heat pumps may not be set up in areas of Denmark designated for central heating and power. An application for an exemption was sent to the Danish Energy Agency, and the next phase of the project will be local environmental approval and plant design